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Pigment Characteristics
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  Link   Pigments
Pigments are the basis of all paints, and have been used for millennia. They are ground colored material. Early pigments were simply as ground earth or clay, and were made into paint with spit or fat. Modern pigments are often sophisticated masterpie
  Link   USGS :: Spectral Lab: Reflectance plots
Researchers at the Spectroscopy Lab have measured the spectral reflectance of hundreds of materials in the lab, and have compiled a spectral library. The library is used as a reference for material identification in remote sensing images.


A New Alternative Asset Class

The main attraction of the art market and the prime reason for its resurgence as an investment is its low correlation with other financial assets. 

Recent research by Barclays Capital and The Economist Magazine indicates that art has outperformed both equities and property over both short and long periods of time, demonstrating that art has emerged as a viable and attractive asset class.

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